Privacy Policy

iNAB Privacy Policy

At, iNAB your security and privacy are our priority. We use a design based on data minimization and will only ask for the most basic information for your account creation. We are transparent in the gathering and processing of your personal data. Consequently, we have decided to adhere to the highest standard of privacy by complying with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and making those rights available to all of our users so you can know that both your devices and your data are safe with us.

We will NEVER request unnecessary information unless it is necessary to provide a better service. We will NEVER sell your personal information or data from your devices to a third party. We will NEVER enable the functionalities of our software without your prior consent or request. By adding a device to your account, location tracking is set to ON by default. You can change this at any time on your settings. We will NEVER access your personal information or data from your devices without your prior consent and will do so solely for support purposes. If you have any concerns about how we protect and process your data, please do not hesitate to contact us at

The Information We Collect

We only request the minimum amount of data to create your account, this includes your name, email, CNIC and mobile number; however, it is important to highlight that the only way for us to identify you as a user is through the e-mail you used to register, which will be the official channel of communication between us.

Once the software is installed on your device the default settings for location awareness is “on”, this means that your devices will send all location changes to our servers. You can set this option to “off” in which case we won't ever get the location information of your devices unless they are set to missing or you specifically request it. Once a device is set to “missing” you can start receiving reports and have the camera take pictures, this option can be turned off in the report settings. A device marked as 'missing' sends technical identification data to our servers along with the geo-localization, and images.

Purpose of Our Data Collection

We collect your name, email, CNIC and mobile number when you create an account for the purpose of user identification. This collection is based on the fulfillment of a service so that we can provide both support and help with your account or password recovery. We'll store this information for as long the account exists, you can delete it by deleting your account.

When you add a device by installing our software we'll start collecting your location by default. This collection is based on the fulfillment of a service and its only purpose is to help you safely recover or track your devices and its content. We do not share nor sell this information to third parties. We'll store this information for as long the account exists, you can delete it by deleting your account.

If you exercise a data right such as data deletion or portability we'll collect and store such requests based on a legitimate interest so that we can probe our compliance.

We can collect your location, demographic data, IP address, hardware and software information, and user interaction with our website and/or panel if you agree to use cookies on our website and as such is based on consent. The purpose of this collection is to help us better understand who and how uses iNAB. You can delete this information by making a data deletion request.

Service Providers and Who We Send Information to

At iNAB, we work with renowned international organizations to offer a better service and an enhanced user experience; thus, we must transfer some data to third-parties. Such transfers are specific and regulated as per the terms and conditions of each of such organizations that are obliged to provide the same level of security and protection we do, and report any issue to us.

Authorized Use and Multi-User Accounts

iNAB is a security application aimed at facilitating the search for and access to lost devices of our users. The purpose of iNAB is not to register or track people down, and according to our terms and conditions, you agree to such limitations. Likewise, you may only install iNAB in devices you are legally authorized to do so.

the case of our multi-user accounts, you should be aware that all administrators may enable your devices as lost. At any time, you can know who the administrators of your account are by checking your account's information in the application's panel. If you have any problems with this functionality or you would like access to administrators to be removed contact us at

Data Rights and Requests

At iNAB, we respect your ownership over your personal data; therefore, you can exercise your right to access, modify and remove it easily from the Panel. If you wish to cancel the processing of your personal data, you only have to uncheck your devices as lost because iNAB does not make passive tracking of your devices, unless you expressly require it. If you decide to remove the personal data associated with your iNAB account, you can do so in the Panel. If you wish to request the removal of all your personal data, you can request a full data deletion by sending an email to Such requests can only be made once every five (5) months.

You have the right to access your personal and the portability of such information. If you request it, we will send you all the personal data you may have shared with us in a machine-readable format. You can exercise this right once every three (3) months; through the user panel or by sending a request to

If you decide to close an account, we delete all your data. Nevertheless, we keep a record of payment history, data deletion and portability requests as a backup for legal reasons. The lawfulness of these backups is based on the compliance of a legal obligation.

User Data Deletion Requests:

User Request: You can request the deletion of your account and all associated data by contacting us through

Verification: We will verify your identity using the email address associated with your account before processing the deletion request.

Data Deletion: Once verified, we will initiate the process of deleting your account information and all related data from our servers.

This may include:
Your user profile details, Stored images and Lactions which were saved when you intentionally locked your phone.

Deletion Timeline: Due to data backups and legal requirements, the complete deletion process may take up to 6 business days. We will notify you once the deletion is complete. For any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Organizational Confidentiality

At iNAB, we believe that words must translate into actions. Our desire to protect your data is at the core of our business. We are made up of a team of highly trained, multi-disciplinary and multi-national professionals, who are all contractually bound by non-disclosure agreements and confidentiality clauses to protect the information of our users. Access to our servers has state-of the-art encryption and compartmentalization; none of our employees has access to the information of your account information or your passwords. The support service is limited to be used solely for such purposes and it requires due confirmation of the identity of our users.

Policy Validity

The herein Privacy Policy became enforceable on February 25th, 2023. We will keep you informed about any essential modifications to this Privacy Policy related to personal data processing.

Changes to This Policy

Any change to this policy or to the way we provide our service in a way that alters or limits your current rights will be properly notified to you through the user panel and it will require your express consent. Minor modifications that alter neither your rights nor privacy expectations will be uploaded automatically to our website.

A transparent relationship with our clients is of the utmost importance; your data and devices are safe with us.

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RS 4-5, Sector 31-C/1, K.D.A. Employee Society,
Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi - 74900, Pakistan


Phone: +92 0213 8691813 / 8691814
Cell: +92 0321 2774334, 0333 2250739

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